Principal of Dow Medical College and eminent surgeon Prof Amjad Siraj Memon said that the Civil Hospital Surgery Ward-3 has performed 800 operations of Colorectal Disease (disease of large intestine), including 113 operations for colon cancer. All these operations were done free of cost. In this regard, Surgical Ward III, CHK, is considered as one of the world’s highest volume surgery wards.
He was addressing as guest on the two-day pre-conference workshop of the Colo Con-2020, organized by the Colorectal Disease Patients Welfare Association, Dow University at the OT Complex of Civil Hospital, Karachi.
Prof Amjad Siraj Memon said that in 2009 this specialized work was started under the guidance of Prof Mohammed Saeed Quraishy. He said funding of 78 students from Dow Medical College and former students of Cadet College Petaro made it possible to cure colon cancer in Surgery Ward III of CHK.
Another issue was that the diagnosis and other tests of this disease were quiet expensive, but with the help of former students and friends, the test facility has also been provided in the CHK.
He added that Prof Adeeb Rizvi has provided us with a free chemo or radiotherapy facility for the patients. Foreign colorectal experts are called by our doctors who teach and make the young doctors familiar with the latest techniques by practicing advanced laparoscopy and robotic surgery.
Usually the colon operation costs approximately 5 to 8 Lakh rupees, while for the needy, this operation is free of cost.
Prof Amjad Siraj Memon said that younger people are generally more prone to this disease. Most patients between the ages of sixteen and 30 years needed surgery, while the common belief that mostly 60 years or older people suffer from colon cancer was incorrect.
He said all this become possible because of teamwork and further research is being continued on this disease. He added that the renowned and best doctors round the world will help us in this workshop including Prof Amjad Pervez Cheema and Tehsin Qureshi.
Faisal Edhi said that in this workshop today, experts from abroad will guide our doctors on modern practices. He informed that his services are available in the Civil Hospital for Surgery Ward III and he will continue to do so in the future as well. Treatment facilities have been extended from 2 to 5 pm with the support of the Edhi Foundation.